I check that others have made footprints very often.
I use a really long checklist - it has over 85 checks on it.
I am expected to tick or comment on every one of them - what a PITA that is!!
But it does remind me what to check for and can catch some things that I forget.
For consistancy:
I use a spreadsheet for every bit of a part, symbol & component - this specifies what lines, text sizes etc are to be used.
This gives me something to check against.
The components I check are usually made to the IPC7351 component standard and using the pcblibraries footprint\library wizard, this is done by entering the component dimensions into the tool.
I could re enter them but this is a PITA too, I measure distances match the datasheet, if I'm finding it a little hard then I recreate the component itself in 2D with lines\boxes and can place it over the footprint to see if it fits - this generates a "it will do" lol. If I can get a 3D model of the component I whip it into Inventor, create a sketch of it top view & save it as DXF then import that - this is especially useful with connectors.
The main thing I use when checking is my brain, I think about what the items are being used for and how they will be assembled, soldered, repaired etc to consider if its all OK.
This is the bit that finds the most issues
Checking takes me longer than it would take me to make them in the first place.
Mistakes do happen - we are human not robots, even when we have PITA check lists.