I used syn_keep and syn_preserve but it doesn't work. syn_keep used to save combination cells and syn_preserve used to save sequential cells. my circuit is mix between combination and sequential cells. can you tell me how to used them.
here is the code:
-- Company: <Name>
-- File: Chain_Inv.vhd
-- File history:
-- <Revision number>: <Date>: <Comments>
-- <Revision number>: <Date>: <Comments>
-- <Revision number>: <Date>: <Comments>
-- Description:
-- <Description here>
-- Targeted device: <Family:
roASIC3> <Die::A3P125> <Package::208 PQFP>
-- Author: <Name>
library IEEE;
library proasic3;
use proasic3.all;
library synplify;
use synplify.attributes.all;
entity series_inv is
generic (N : integer := 200);
port (
A : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
B : out std_logic
end series_inv;
architecture rtl_series_inv of series_inv is
signal tmp : std_logic_vector(29 downto 0);
signal A_sig,B_sig : std_logic;
attribute syn_keep : boolean;
attribute syn_keep of tmp: signal is true;
if reset = '1' then
B <= '0';
A_sig <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
B <= B_sig;
A_sig <= A;
end if;
end process;
tmp(0) <= not(A_sig);
tmp(1) <= not tmp(0);
tmp(2) <= not tmp(1);
tmp(3) <= not tmp(2);
tmp(4) <= not tmp(3);
tmp(5) <= not tmp(4);
tmp(6) <= not tmp(5);
tmp(7) <= not tmp(6);
tmp(8) <= not tmp(7);
tmp(9) <= not tmp(8);
tmp(10) <= not tmp(9);
tmp(11) <= not tmp(10);
tmp(12) <= not tmp(11);
tmp(13) <= not tmp(12);
tmp(14) <= not tmp(13);
tmp(15) <= not tmp(14);
tmp(16) <= not tmp(15);
tmp(17) <= not tmp(16);
tmp(18) <= not tmp(17);
tmp(19) <= not tmp(18);
tmp(20) <= not tmp(19);
tmp(21) <= not tmp(20);
tmp(22) <= not tmp(21);
tmp(23) <= not tmp(22);
tmp(24) <= not tmp(23);
tmp(25) <= not tmp(24);
tmp(26) <= not tmp(25);
tmp(27) <= not tmp(26);
tmp(28) <= not tmp(27);
tmp(29) <= not tmp(28);
B_sig <= tmp(29);
end rtl_series_inv;