Hi,I‘m a beginner in IC......As we know, the i–v relationship of diode In the forward region is closely approximated by exponential function, but my simulation result is a linear fuunction....The X-axis is the current and the Y-axis is the supply voltage.....The simulator is spectre,the resistor and diode are from tsmc180 pdk......Can anybody tell me what's wrong with my simulation...
well I understanded. But if I move the resisror and let the Vdc directly connect to the diode,the I-V curve is still a linear function, could u tell me why it's not a exponential function in this case?
well if I move the resisror and let the Vdc directly connect to the diode,the I-V curve is still a linear function,why it's not a exponential function in this case?
once the diode conducts, the current is controlled by the resistor,
because the voltage drop on the diode is almost constant.
as i read you r graph, the slope is 0.09846 A/V, or 10.15 V/A, or ohms
according to the schematic simulation, the voltage across the resistor is 2.09 V
and the current is 0.209 A, so you have a 10 ohm resistor
the slope you see i the simulation is determined by the resistor, not the diode.
once the diode conducts, the current is controlled by the resistor,
because the voltage drop on the diode is almost constant.
as i read you r graph, the slope is 0.09846 A/V, or 10.15 V/A, or ohms
according to the schematic simulation, the voltage across the resistor is 2.09 V
and the current is 0.209 A, so you have a 10 ohm resistor
the slope you see i the simulation is determined by the resistor, not the diode.
But if I move the resisror and let the voltage source directly connect to the diode,the I-V curve is still a linear function, why it's not a exponential function in this case?
when you say you move the resistor, i take it you swapped
positions of the resistor and diode
that doesn't change the current or the voltage across the diode, and
therefore doesn't change the voltage across the resistor
as FvM says, vdd is not the diode voltage
what did you plot?
when you say you move the resistor, i take it you swapped
positions of the resistor and diode
that doesn't change the current or the voltage across the diode, and
therefore doesn't change the voltage across the resistor
as FvM says, vdd is not the diode voltage
what did you plot?
If you connect the voltage source directly across the diode and you sweep that voltage source you are really pushing high currents through the diode. Diode is trying to clamp its voltage to 0.7 or thereabout but you are forcing more than that and that means very big currents, which also means that any internal resistor that's modeled will certainly show up. Instead of a voltage source, use a current source.