left picture:
* you have one battery with 5V,
* you have one battery with 8V (mind the direction of the voltage vector)
* you have a 10 ohms resistor
* you have the diode.
General solution:
* (First sight) assume the voltage across the resistor to be 0V, what voltage is across the diode?
* how much current is flowing through the resistor?
* in what direction?
* calculate the voltage drop at the resistor using ohm´s law
* the sume of voltage in a circuit (circle) is 0V. Knowing that you can calculate the voltage drop across the diode.
right picture:
* (first sight) assume the diode current is 0mA, what voltage is across the diode?
* with this voltage: do you expect current flowing through the diode?
--> if no: solved.
--> if yes: look into the datasheet of the diode and get a clue what voltage across the diode you can expect.
* With that value calculate all currents within the circuit.
* again look into the datasheet with the calculated diode current an see if your voltage drop meets your expectations.
* If there is a deviation, then do the calculations with the new diode voltage.
Other solutions:
For the right picture you can paint and calculate an equivalent circuit with only one resistor and one battery.
With that you can
- either: precisely calculate the currents and voltages
- or: build a graphical solution wher you paint: battery voltage, resistor U-I, diode U-I, and find the crossing between the U-I lines.
Did you expect values?
If you need more help, then show us your thoughts and calculations...
Hope this helps