Ok, so, first of all, thanks for your answers.
Indeed, I think I have skipped information. Attached you will find a more complete picture of my circuit (I have changed the names of some of the components, so that referencing them is easier - the 1T resistors are only to aid convergence). The structure of this circuit was not conceived by me, as you can already deduce out of my lack of experience with power MOSFETs. It has been presented by a brazilian engineer on a masters degree paper, along with all equations to calculate the main components. However, some of the most peripheral components (voltage sources and control circuit) were not the issue os his paper, and since I lack practical experience, I'm having trouble getting it to work. I do, however, get the theoretical idea of his work, which I will describe below.
The circuit does not properly contain a PFC-Boost converter, but rather a Buck-Boost converter, composed by DBoost, LBoost and M3, operating in a way that the voltage gain is bigger than one (just like a Boost Converter). I have called it a boost converter because its function is similar to that of the PFC-Boost converter normally seen on Fluorescent Lamp Ballast circuits. It operates in discontinuous mode, but since there is no capacitor after the rectifier stage, the voltage applied to the inductor is the modulus of the sinusoidal network voltage, and the current on the inductor has a quasi sinusoidal overall shape. The low-pass LC input filter composed by both Lf and Cf grants that only the low frequency current drawn by the circuit is seen by the AC source, as you can see on the attached picture hereunder (now simulated with PSIM - I now realize that PSpice is generating a source current with and angle of close to 90° in reference to the voltage - there must be something wrong with the real-world values I used for my components, since PSIM uses ideal models).
The LCC filter is composed by Cs (56nF), Ls (2.88mH) and Cp (5nF - two series 10nF/1600V were used in the prototype because during transient, voltage spikes of up to 1500V might hit the lamp, and I thought: "Hell! Why not oversize it?").
There are four operation steps on this circuit:
1) The first step starts when M3 starts to conduct in
Zero Voltage Switching Mode, since its intrinsic diode was already conducting on the reverse direction on the 4th step of the last period. IBoost rises linearly, while the capacitor C1 discharges, with its current flowing through the LCC circuit and powering the lamp. The voltage and the current on the lamp both rise.
2) Starts in the moment M3 is blocked. IBoost starts to fall linearly, charging the capacitors C1 and C2. The energy stored in the Ls inductor in the last step discharges as current through the intrinsic diode of M4, and through the load. Voltage and current on the load both fall linearly. M4 is enabled to conduct during this step.
3) This step starts in the moment the current through the intrinsic diode of M4 becomes null, and M4, which was already enabled, starts to conduct in
ZVS the current of the capacitor C2, which now discharges over the load. Voltage and current on the lamp rise linearly, with reverse polarity to that of the first step.
4) Starts when M4 is blocked. The energy stored in Ls discharges as current flowing through the intrinsic diode of M3. IBoost starts to rise while charging the capacitors C1 and C2. M3 is enabled to conduct. The voltage and current on the lamp falls linearly, also with reverse polarity to that of the second step.
You can see the resulting simulation curves in the attached image, with emphasis on the operation steps:
As for the control signal, it is generated by the PWM of a microcontroller (PIC18F4550 - represented by the pulsed voltage sources), and that signal is galvanically isolated from the power circuit by a pair of pulse transformers. The circuit I have attached also includes the auxiliary DC sources to provide 15VDC to power the MOSFETs gate and the 5 VDC to power the microcontroller (there is also a 3.3VDC voltage regulator cascaded with the 5 VDC one for a zigbee module, but I don't think that it is relevant to this current problem I'm having).
Ok, now that I have introduced you to what I'm trying to do, back to my query. I believe my real problem is actually related to this last paragraph I wrote above. More specifically, with my 15V supply. It doesn't produce 15 V
...but only about 6~7 VDC (I have measured that with a multimeter). I think that it happens because the impedance of the pulse transformer (3mH + 0.76R) is much lower than that of the zener diodes, so no current flows through them when Q2 or Q3 are on, bringing the voltage on the 15V bus to a value close to zero, and implying in and average value of around 6 V, as described.
I have been thinking of this problem the whole day, and I have come to the conclusion that my MOSFET is not operating on the saturation region, because VGS on the switches is equal to +6 VDC when on, and equal to -6 when off - way less than the minimum rated 10V. Could you guys please confirm that the symptoms I described, that is, overheating and eventually burning, agree with this diagnose? And if, in fact, what I suspect is right, could you suggest a better structure to provide 15V that would not cause the same problem?
Thank you again in advance!