digital pressure sensor

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Newbie level 5
Aug 6, 2009
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pls anyone help me out with this. i need a digital pressure sensor that operates on 220bars. i want to interface with any microcontroller. tell me which mc and pressure sensor and temp sensor shud i go for?? temperature sensor should have an operating range of 0-60/70C .

pressure sensor microcontroller

I believe there is something like that on I am at work, so I can't look at the exact page right now.

microcontroller with pressure sensor

Perhaps you can give a more detailed idea of what you are trying to do. Temperature is not really a problem, but 220bar is diving cylinder type pressure. I would think that if available, it would be a specialized and expensive item. Another problem would be with mounting such a device without weakening the pressure vessel. Generally pressure measuring devices would give an analogue output from a bridge configuration. This would require conditioning and then fed to a micro with an analogue port. Very dangerous working with that sort of pressure, be careful!

digital pressure sensor i2c

my project is related to CNG cylinder. have to design a digital meter for it but a precised one. for this i have to use a pressure and temp sensor which then will be interfaced with the microcontroller. i was wondering if i use digital sensors i wudnt be needing ADC to convert the analog values n then to microcontroller.
what do u suggest?

Not really dabbled in such high pressure measurement before, mainly low pressure changes like altimeters or varios. Looks like the link Pakitos sent you is very useful. Looks like there are various devices available. The one I spotted is up to 350bar and gives a frequency output that is proportional to pressure, you could use a micros counter/timer to measure the frequency and then drive a display. Looks like I2C etc is a possibility also. As to temperature, if it is outside the cylinder, you could any number of devices. If it need to be inside, I guess it would need to be something more specialized. As I said, a little bit out of my field. Good luck anyway.

have chosen the analogue pressure and temperature sensors..cus digital ones will be too costly i think. thanks anyhow

piscar there are microcontrollers which accept analog inputs my suggestion is to use it so no need for adc
good luck


This comapny manufacture digital pressure sensor (about 20 euro each depend on type and pressure)

You can connet it to microcontroller via I2C bus

All the best


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