I have got few digital pot ICs MAX5161 Ics for controlling the current to the dc load . (I have attached my ckt) .
Resistance across the H and L increases when I operate with INC and up/down pins when I measured using multimeter , but if I connect my load no current will flow to the load ..
Pls help me to find out where I have gone wrong .
What is the current rating of the digital pot? You can't use it to vary the speed of a motor. Is your motor 5V or 12V? In the datasheet it is given max current through H, L , and W pins is 1 mA. If your motor drives more than 1 mA then your pot is already dead.
My motor is 5V dc motor(RF-310T-11400) .. yeah Maximum Continuous Current into H, L is .±1mA ... then I can not use this IC for my motor .. Is there any possibality build other ckt along with this digital pot for the same purpose ?