Digital oscilloscope Project

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New release at JYE Tech. DSO082 with 10MHz (actually wider) analog bandwidth and 50Msps real-time sampling rate. 10mV/DIV sensitivity, 1024-point FFT, USB connection, and more. Please see:

**broken link removed**

Hello Everyone!

Why is sdram preferred to buffer data instead of fifo buffer?More complicated (You have to code address too with sd ram).
I'm planning to use this fifo: CY7C4251-15AXC - 8k x 9
CY7C4251-15AXC datasheet pdf datenblatt - Cypress Semiconductor - 64/256/512/1K/2K/4K/8K x 9 Synchronous FIFOs ::: ALLDATASHEET :::
It's cheap (approx. $6) and maximum frequency is 66 Mhz.
Would it be good with a CPLD?I would choose XC2C64 CoolRunner-II CPLD
It also not too expensive.
I really don't know how to program it.I have to ask some help.
I think if I draw the schematics of the logic in the Xilinx software with the corresponding pins, and then program the chip, I've connected the ADC with the fifo.Am I right? :razz:

Hello Everyone!

Why is sdram preferred to buffer data instead of fifo buffer?More complicated (You have to code address too with sd ram).

How about memory capacity for one? How about possible access patterns for another?
Hello Mr.Flibble!

The 8k*9 capacity for me I think will be enough.
About access pattern: why whould be pratical a more complex readout than the FIFO's?(maybe faster readout?The goal was a possible slower readout because of the low bandwidth PC connection)

About access pattern: why whould be pratical a more complex readout than the FIFO's?(maybe faster readout?The goal was a possible slower readout because of the low bandwidth PC connection)

You tell me I am not the one implementing a DSO. All I am pointing out is that a FIFO is a lot more restricted than a random access memory.

But basically, large capacity DRAMs are a cheap commodity item. So if you want a large capture buffer that's the way to go. If you settle for 9k*8, then things become a lot simpler. It all depends on what sampling rate + buffer depth you want.

Suppose I use Cypress CY7C68013 running at 480Mbit /s for 2 channel at 8 bit wide each ( storage depth at 4k ) to PC , what is the max sampling rate of ADC ????

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