Differential vs Single ended

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Newbie level 5
Feb 10, 2013
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I wanted to use DAQ card (ME-4680 measurement card with ME-Synapse + 78 pin D connector) .

I am having a technical question and the figure is attached for your reference.

I am having a sensor which has only one output (Not differential output) .

I wanted to connect it to a differential measurement. I am having AI0(+) and AI0(-). DAQ gnd and sensor power supply ground is also tied together.
I know that my Sensor output has to be connected to AI0(+).

My question is can i connect my sensor power supply -ve to my AI0(-)
View attachment Präsentation1.ppt

Since the sensor ground is connected to the DAQ ground, then you can connect the minus differential input to the sensor ground also (if i understand your question correctly). But for lowest noise you want to connect the minus differential input as close to the sensor signal ground point as possible.

Hi cruschow ,, thanks for ur tipp . i have my sensor atleast 3 m away from my daq ? will this be a problem ? can u tell me how the noise is lowered if i keep the distance between them very short...? thanks in advance

For that distance you should likely used twisted-pair or shielded twisted-pair cable to minimize noise pickup. The amount of noise pickup depends upon how electrically noisy the area is, the sensor output impedance, and the length of the cable.

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