Usually, "indirect method" for generating FM refers to Armstrong method described by Chukey.
The AM with no carrier or DSB-SC (double side-band with suppressed carrier) is generated with a balanced mixer. When the 90° carrier is added, we have a PM (phase modulation) signal with low phase deviation. If the modulating signal is integrated before the DSB modulation, then we have a low-index FM modulation.
After that, frequency multiplication increases (multiplies by the value of the multiplier) the modulation index, and frequency translation allow to place ths final signal at the desired carrier.
It is called "indirect" because it does not generate "directly" a frequency modulation, but instead synthesizes it.
Sometimes, in direct method using varactors, reactance modulators, etc, linearity (instantaneous frequency vs. modulating signal) is an issue.
One advantage of Armstrong method is linearity and accuracy.