Difference between vR ( ratiometric voltage) and Vdc


Jun 24, 2024
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I'm using a component which gives an output of 0.5-4.5 VDC, this component has been dysfunctional so I searched for it and found it nowhere. So I searched for a component from different make and found one with all the specifications matching except the output which is 0.5-4.5 vR (Ratiometric voltage). So just wanted to know whether both are same or different. If different is there any conversion formula?
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If the supply voltage is 5V, they will have the same output.
The Setra output will change with the supply voltage, and the MCS one will probably not (according to the marking).
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It is possible that they have the same output function. The MCS marking may be simplified so it doesn't show that the output is ratiometric.
If the MCS one have an output signal, I suggest that you sweep the supply voltage for both sensors between 4.5V and 5.5V and measure the outputs. Look for the variation in the output voltage when you sweep the supply voltage.
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Contact MCS and ask them....just a thought. Is theirs ratiometric. And let the know
their datasheet is so terse as to be almost unusable for engineering design.m

Regards, Dana.
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