My views are for Buck converters/controllers
Yes, your views are correct,
1. Internal/External MOSFET switching regulators
Decision depends on Max current handling capacity,Area of the converter size, layout complexity,reliability concerns, type of application (aerospace,telecommunications,medical etc)
5 years ago, when we start design regulators for currents > 10A, we go for Controllers (External MOSFET), for lesser currents with we go with Converters(Internal MOSFET).
But, now i see Converters will handle currents up to & in excess of 40A.
Check your application requirements, whether requirement for higher current is continuous/transient also.
Layout complexity & Risk is more for Controllers, at the same time they are more flexible for good engineers. layout complexity & area is less for converters compared to controllers.
I see controllers are more reliable for long life & robust environments than converters.
Controllers are not good for people who doesn't have much experience in power component layout, as these will have extra loops to optimize.
2.Multi channel/Individual regulator
Space,current demand, over all power dissipation will decide the selection.