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difference between open source and free soucrce

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Apr 21, 2008
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What is the difference between open source and free source ...

I am sure they are not same..

please let me know the difference between the two.

I was looking for stack for MODBUS TCP, BACNet IP , profinet and ethernetIP.

are these stack free? or else under which category do they come.. internet search is very confusing?

Probably as between open passage (an open door) and an easy access (doors in general aren't present)

Open source means the source code is freely available to all and anybody can download this and can make their own version of that software....on other-hand free software's refers that is software is available as free of cost but you dont know how that software works and how it is buld usually r user has a knowledge of how to workout that software than how that software works........for example mozilla is a open source software and adobe reader is a free software......

Open source means the source code is freely available to all and anybody can download this and can make their own version of that software....on other-hand free software's refers that is software is available as free of cost but you dont know how that software works and how it is buld usually r user has a knowledge of how to workout that software than how that software works........for example mozilla is a open source software and adobe reader is a free software......

Sorry. but this seems to be wrong as my understanding was different... and i got it clear from a good reference... what you have told is just the opposite....

Maybe this could help you update your knowledge too

The famous conflict is going on between Google and Oracle. Sun Microsystems holds rights on Java ME code which is used by Google in its Android OS but did not pay anything to Sun. When Oracle took over Sun they are gearing up to take on Google.

Basically , Open source lets one to view the code but there are restrictions on using the code. Free software movement wants rights for everyone to use the code freely without any restriction.

You are right but i have some knowledge about that basically there are two licenses available for opensourece GPL and BSD.Android falls on BSD category that is why the commotion is..I suppose

in open source softwares u can modify the Souce code for example u can alter the code of vlc player or firefox browser and create ur own version..
but free programs are created by people but u can't modify it.. u can only use it..
check out the links i appended with this..
Open source - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia…

Your links are not working, you probably meant Open-source software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

#1 says "The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale."


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