difference between NANO LiPo and a normal LiPo

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Sep 25, 2012
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there are two types of LIpos available

one is
jurst normal Lipo
and the other is nano tech LiPo

the first one is half the ($) price of the second one but the both are equal in the amount of mAh

I can buy two of these normal Lipo bateries (5800 x 2 mAh energy) or I can just buy one NANO Lipo battery only 6000mAh.

my requirements are

I will be only using 5mA during the whole day but two 2A bursts that will last 5 seconds a day

weight is not a problem
size of these modules are almost the same so its okay too.

What should I do?

1. Should I collect two normal Lipo batteries and gain a longer lifetime in my cct?
2.. Would the NANO Lipo give me longer life time?

as in, would the charge in the Normal LiPo battery "fade away" after some months quicker than the NANO Lipo one?

I also wish to charge the batteries buy means of Solar and bursts generated by Kinetic energy.

please give me your opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Amalinda Gamage

The whole "nano" thing is almost certainly a marketing gimmick. You should ignore it and just make a decision based on the hard specifications given. So the main difference seems to be that the NaNO one has a much higher discharge rating (65C vs 25C). But both those numbers are far more than you would ever need for a max discharge rate of 2A.

For your application, buying from a RC hobbyist store doesn't make sense. RC batteries will be geared more towards very high discharge rate and low weight, rather than long lifetime or low cost.
For your application, buying from a RC hobbyist store doesn't make sense. RC batteries will be geared more towards very high discharge rate and low weight, rather than long lifetime or low cost.

What do you mean by RC batteries? YES of course! i dont want high current discharge at all

All I want it I want LONG TERM Charge Retain in side the battery
i.e. VERY SMALL Leakage current

Battery should withstand around 45 degree of Celcius

and it must be of around 10cm and 5cm and width is any..
but the HIGHEST mAh

Could you pls recomend me a place to buy this type of a battery?
retaining the un used charge for a long time is a major requirement of my design.

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