Difference Between Filler Cells and End Cap Cells.

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Newbie level 5
Jan 17, 2012
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Hi, Pls share the detailed information on End Cap cells and Filler cells in terms of structure and connection with the rails.

End cap cells usually go at the end of each row and contain decoupling capacitors.
Filler cells are used to fill unused spaces in each row (i.e. where there are no logic cells) and just have metals to connect the horizontal power rails.

Hi jbeniston, thanks for the reply. Can you pls explain this in detail.. ? how the cell structure will be and the connection of these cells with other std cells.

In standard cell layouts the filer cells are used whenever the metal 2 tracks are not accessible by metal 3.

Filler Cell : During the abutment of the cells in top level, there will be some gap while placement (Also for timing purpose), these gaps (free space's) are filled with FILL Cell.
FILL Cell is composed of layers to support the continuity. Eg: Power Rail, Nwell, PP , NP...etc.
There is no functionality in this device.

ENDCAP cell : These cells are placed at the end of each row during Place and Route. This suggest the End of ROute. Basically these are Capacitor used to charge the power and maintain constant charging.

Hope this helps.

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