Here is the thing confusing me. In parallel feedback oscillators loop phase must be multiple of 360 degrees.
That means active device phase shift (s21) + microstrip lines phase shift + DR phase shift = n*360.
Here is two drawings:
If active device and DR are the same, would microstrip lines have same length in two cases?
If we look at my first post drawing and this is correct:
If your feed on the bottom line is from the left, the output signal on the other line will be to the right.
for left drawing:
1. comes from drain microstrip line to DR coupling point
2. goes through DR to gate microstrip coupling point
3. comes to gate microstrip line and goes up(!) until reflected by open stub, then goes down to FET's gate. So here it gets additional 180 deg phase shift? As open stubs are usually quarterwave (90deg) in parallel feedback DRO.
for right drawing:
1. comes from drain microstrip line to DR coupling point
2. goes through DR to gate microstrip coupling point
3. goes from gate microstrip coupling point to FET's gate
So here is no any additional 180 deg phase shift
Is it correct, that in this two cases (drawings on the left and right) microstrip lines would be not the same? It seems that on the left drawing we get additional 180 deg phase shift. But i am not sure about that, because quarterwave opencircuits acts as shortcircuit, and there may be something to deal with short circuit reflection.