Advanced Member level 5

Dear friends,
All the Instrumentation amplifier data sheet include a very important graph called the diamond plot (Hexagone plot ) in which basically should define the relationship between the input common mode range and the differential input range a shown in the link below,
Also I have an image below

In the graph they put the Vout in the axisis, I don't know why not the differential voltage ?
How can I generate such a graph in my Cadence simulation
Thank you very much
All the Instrumentation amplifier data sheet include a very important graph called the diamond plot (Hexagone plot ) in which basically should define the relationship between the input common mode range and the differential input range a shown in the link below,
Also I have an image below

In the graph they put the Vout in the axisis, I don't know why not the differential voltage ?
How can I generate such a graph in my Cadence simulation
Thank you very much