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Device support of different PICStart firmware versions

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Advanced Member level 3
Advanced Member level 3
Jun 7, 2003
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Does someone has a comparison chart which shows the device support of each firmware version?

Read here that someone was saying that the newest firmware doesn't support older 17C4X devices...

Have all my parts at the desk to build the PICStarter+ so that's why I am asking which firmware is the best to start with (o;

16c84 device

Does someone know the exact setting if programming the firmware to the 17C44 with an universal programmer?

It offers several kinds of microcontroller mode and WDT prescaler options.

The best thing is to start with latest firmware, because you have all PICs already inside that firmware. I'm using latest firmware and I can program any PIC (including 17C44) I want. For programing 17C44 use this spec:

Processor: 17C44
Processor Mode; Microcontroller
Watchdog Timer: TMR



Already got it figured...after 2nd try (o;

With the Dataman 48LV it should be:

- XT
- UC mode
- WDT off

This TMR confused me a little so I had to look up in the datasheet first.
Glad I bought a 17C44/JW device (o;

Right now debugging my PICStarter prototype board...

Strange I don't see any 16C84 device anmore in MPLAB 6.20...
Has it been lso removed from the 3.11 firmware?

You can program them the same way like 16F84. But can't buy them easy anymore.



If you look at picstart help in mplab, it gives you step by step instructions for upgrading firmware, the latest of which can be downloaded from microchip.

I know how to upgrade firmware (o;

Debugging my hardware now (o;

The picstarter layout posted here is pretty crap...
also the MCLR pin of th 17C44 is floating after
reset from RS232...

Think a friend of mine and me gonna make a new layout
(as also new circuit ;o) for this programmer...

I just needed a programmer to start developing a PIC programmer for OSX (o;

davorin said:
I just needed a programmer to start developing a PIC programmer for OSX (o;

I have one...! program made with realbasic ( for os 9 but easily recompile for os x)
hardware is the fdeck one, modified to program also serial eeproms
warning connected via serial mini-din.
I haven't made any usb link (and I dont know how to do it !)

Hmm...sounds interesting (o;

Maybe we can share some experience (o;

Do you have your sources somewhere to see how it looks like?
Or maybe some description/screenshots will do it also (o;

Hmm...close to finish my programmer...the 16c5x devices
gives me some headache though....reads always back
with d8 = 1...

My programmer does only flash pics. originally made by f deck for the 16f84, slightly modified to handle 16f87x, and big modified to handle serial eeproms.

here is the original programmer. pm me if you need the modifications !
warning it's an hypercard stack, hope you still have hypercard !

also dont know why you still bother with pic 16c5x !

16C5X(A/B/C) are great for SSAVI descrambling (o;

I might have some old Apple developer CD's with Hypercard lying around...

A good aapplication for my old SE's and SE/30's (o;

But in future I'll prefer an USB PIC solution for my iMac/Powerbook...

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