device for communicate in noisy environment

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Nov 14, 2012
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hey all,
I'm going to design a device which can communicate in noisy industry environment. What i have thought so far is make a headphone which can suppress the background noise and communicate with other people using WiFi. So I'm going to use dsPIC for this application but i have no idea about dsPIC.
1. So is it possible to use it ? if it is possible please name a dsPIC for this particular application because i need to study about dsPIC before i start my project.
2. my second question is i'm using WiFi to communication. Is it practical ?
Thank you!!

There are wireless headsets which receive a radio broadcast from a central transmitter. Such headsets are marketed for use with PA systems. They are handed out to hard-of-hearing people in the audience.

If you want two-way conversations there are inexpensive walkie-talkie systems that are worn on the head, with attached mic. These require that you push a button to transmit. Only one can transmit at a time. Everyone can hear whoever is transmitting.

For hands-free operation I believe there is a kind of earphone which delivers sound, and also picks up voice somehow. You may find a walkie-talkie system incorporating this.

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