Developing the access networks in OPnet for scaling IPTV infrastructure

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Newbie level 2
Aug 18, 2009
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Hello everyone ,

well i am trying to develop an Access network comparison scenario ( FTTH , ADSL ) where i would be able to scale an IPTV Infrastructure on the basis of provided bandwidth while achieving proper QOS requirements in opnet. Now i have done like all the research and stuff , but when it comes to implementing this simulation , i am kind of lost , could someone please help me in following areas :
1) Developing the access networks (GPON,FTTH , ADSL) in opent
2) simulate video+ data+ voice on these networks to make conclusions for the sake of scalability and for the comparison of these access networks

I would be highly grateful.

qos over gpon using opnet


I am starting similar topic in Opnet(IPTV on WiMax) i really appreciate if you could send me any related example or documents from your research please. my email is

many thanks in advanced

iptv en opnet

send me a logical picture of network at gsgrewal(at)
i 'll help u to implement that in opnet

iptv in opnet

hello mate , i have actually sent you an email with my progress in opnet with the network , i am trying to implement a fibre access network as well on top , and i m finding it difficult , your help will be highly appreciated , thank you very much indeed !

Re: IPTV in OPnet

Hi everybody,
Acually, I work to developed optical edge node to make centerlized managment in opnet to control for end user in access network but i'm new with opnet. could any one help me by send example or document for fiber-wimax access network or EGPON, also I don't no which node in opnet can I use as a edge node ..
email is
very thanks in advance

I just saw this message from You. I am also trying to develop an access network comparission scenario (FTTH, WIMAX and ADsl) using OPNET software. Can you please tell me if you could do this? If you could do this, can you help me sending some examples how you have finish this project. I will appreciate very much if you could help me on this.
Waiting for Your reply.
Best regards


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