Thanks for the reply, but how about non normal incidence. I understand \[\theta_i=\theta_r\] and all that. But if you look at the TEM wave travel from the left at z=-ve, in medium 1, hitting the boundary on xy plane at z=0, say it is perpendicular polarization where \[\vec {E}= \hat {y} E(z)\], which is parallel to the boundary. If \[\eta 1 > \eta 2\;\Rightarrow\; \Gamma=-ve\], is \[ \vec {E}_r\] in opposite direction........\[\vec {E}_r=-\hat {y} E_r\]
And if \[\eta 2 > \eta 1\;\Rightarrow\; \Gamma = +ve\], then \[ \vec {E}_r=\hat{y}E_r\].
Attached is the drawings. The upper left shows \[\eta 1 > \eta 2 \] where Ei and Er are pointing in y direction. In drawing on top right where \[\eta 1 < \eta 2 \], Er is in -ve y direction.
I drew the case where Ei is on the xz plane as shown in the low left drawing, how do I even determine the direction of the reflection based on the intrinsic impedance of the two media? Please help. Please provide some article links if you can.