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Nov 19, 2022
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Hello all!

Is there a way to amplify the signal so that 8m rx 16m or more meters could become? (An additional circuit diagram would be great. Or 2 amplifiers in series, but which op fits the LM358P? The RF Diode - Bat 62 (Up to GHz or BAT 15) work very well at 2.4 GHz, but also in the VHF / UHF range depending on the antenna, or its length. I have 2 antennas built in, once a quad 4 * 3.12 cm and a Wifi Pi antenna for 2.4 GHz SMA socket. Switch antenna 1 + 2. So you can switch between only wii rx and HF Distinguish fields. Circuits are often published on the www that don't work at all, and such circuits should be deleted. The circuits in particular are shown on Youtube, but are sometimes built upside down, which is why there are errors in circuits during construction. Or circuits that don't make any sense, or not working properly.

Here is a video of the HF detector:


  • Wifi_HF_DETEKTOR_German_25_Nov_2022.jpg
    284.4 KB · Views: 103

If modulation bandwidth isn't of interest, you achieve highest detector sensitivity with zero bias and high (up to several 10 Mohm, depending on the diode impedance ) load resistance. The detector output can be better processed than with the shown simplistic circuit. Specific limitations are the fixed diode bias generated by LM358 input current and the non-adjustable built-in threshold.

I guess however that the behavior isn't that bad with BAT62 and LM358.

See the attachec application note to get an idea about the effect of detector bias and load resistance.


  • an988 All Schottky Diodes are Zero Bias Detectors.pdf
    770 KB · Views: 157

Hello and thanks for the information!

With the Bat 15 = ( + - ) 1 resistor with 1 MOhm - and 1 nF capacitor on a measuring device. With the Bat 62 = 4.7 MOhm.
I try it once with the bias, but my concern is that the detector receives further than 8 m. Then you will see if the bias increases the range of the wifi signals. At the moment I'm doing experiments with the transistor 2N2222 which amplifies the signal. At the moment I have built the detector on my Bboard with 3 germanium diodes and the IC - LM358P. Because of the 2N2222 transistor, the signal has increased from about 1 m to about 5 meters on the rx side. That's a start. Which transistor is suitable for the LM358 to amplify the rf signal?
Or what other options are there?


  • Neuer Detektor 11 2022.jpg
    79 KB · Views: 112

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