Jay Bharti
Newbie level 1
I want to detect a License fetching event in Cadence SKILL so that if the program is not able to fetch the license, I could detect it and will stop the further execution of the program.
My script is trying to fetch Layout Editor license but fails. Virtuoso throws such events as warnings in CIW : (eg below)
I want to detect a License fetching event in Cadence SKILL so that if the program is not able to fetch the license, I could detect it and will stop the further execution of the program.
My script is trying to fetch Layout Editor license but fails. Virtuoso throws such events as warnings in CIW : (eg below)
*WARNING* (icLic-3) Could not get license Virtuoso_Layout_Suite_L
*WARNING* (icLic-21) License Virtuoso_Layout_Suite_L ("95300") is not available to run Layout L.
Trying to check out the license Virtuoso_Layout_Suite_XL ("95310") instead.
*WARNING* (icLic-3) Could not get license Virtuoso_Layout_Suite_XL
*WARNING* (icLic-21) License Virtuoso_Layout_Suite_XL ("95310") is not available to run Layout L.
Trying to check out the license Virtuoso_Layout_Suite_GXL ("95321") instead.
*WARNING* (icLic-4) Could not get token capability VLS_GXL
*WARNING* (icLic-22) License Virtuoso_Layout_Suite_GXL ("95321") is not available to run Layout L.
*WARNING* (LE-104329): A VLS-XL license is required but could not be checked out.
(DEBASE-100020): License of Layout for "edit" access not found. Cellview will remain in "read"
access mode.
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