Detailed design flow of PLL

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Newbie level 5
Nov 30, 2005
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Will anyone tell me a detailed design flow of PLL? Thank you.

pll loop dynamics

Check Application notes from Fujitsu

detailed design of a pll

1. you need a spec of input frequency and output frequency, settling (lock time).
2. based in/out frequency ranges decide the divider range, use whatever way to decide the middle divider as a start point.
3. from frequency range and your power supply decide kvco
4. from lock time and input frequency decide the loop bandwidth.
5. from phase margin and loop bandwith decide r and c if you are using convenetional pll structure, and charge pump current
6. from c decide ripple cap.
7. do loop dynamic analysis and optimize the r,Cs
8. fix the parameter and start ckt level design, and characterization
9. loop simulation
10. loop characterization

pll design esnips

You can consult the book: PLL, PhD Roladn E. Best
it has a detailed flow procedure.

You can obtain the book and software in this excellent forum.

banerjee lock time


flow pll

best reference

ckt design of pll

the book of RAZAVI is helpful


thank you all for giving me help

Added after 14 minutes:

You can consult the book: PLL, PhD Roladn E. Best
it has a detailed flow procedure.

You can obtain the book and software in this excellent forum.

Dear, can you send me the link. Thanks

pll design flow

Permit me to add a question.
If the spec of settling time is known, how to decide the crossover frequency?

plls asu

You can view some papers in the IEEE.J of solid-state circuit

pll design with lock time specification filter

For a quick approximation of loop BW given the settling time, use

Lock Time ~ 4/FCorner, but that's really rough. For more information, look at Dean Banerjee's extended app note at


frequency synthesizer design flow

7. do loop dynamic analysis and optimize the r,Cs
8. fix the parameter and start ckt level design, and characterization
9. loop simulation

How to do loop dynamic analysis and what's the meaning of ckt level design?

dean book pll

RFDave said:
For a quick approximation of loop BW given the settling time, use

Lock Time ~ 4/FCorner, but that's really rough. For more information, look at Dean Banerjee's extended app note at


Thanks for the web address!
~4/Fcorner, it's just a estimation for a 1st-order pll and the equation is -lnε/Fcorner, is it?

pll, phd roladn e. best

you can check also dean's book,,the author is an application engineer in national semiconductor who has a great experience in PLL design,,,he summerized his experience of designing the PLL in this book,,,very helpful
hussein adel

Re: design flow of PLL

who can recommend some web to refer

Re: design flow of PLL

Here is a course by PE Allen on frequency synthesizers. Very helpful in design of PLLs and the individual blocks in building the PLL.

Re: design flow of PLL

I need it !!!

Re: design flow of PLL

Hi esoteric1,

Can you upload the tutorial on esnips or rapidshare or any other site.. I don't have enough points download this tutorial .. I need this tutorial urgently..


design flow of PLL

confirm first the vco gain
then cp current,
then R C to assure stability

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