[SOLVED] Designspark modelsource help

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Advanced Member level 4
Aug 16, 2012
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Does anyone use design spark version 5? I'm trying to import components using model source .
Earlier versions had the model source link in the bottom left hand corner of the screen , that's noe gone.
So I onen up modelsource in anover widow select what I want save it and down load the zip flle to my c drive.
the online tutorials say there should be a readme.txt file which tell you waht to do , of course there isn't one just a single file.
Now I don't know what todo next to get it into my design library.
Can anyone help I'm pulling my hair out here
I can't find any online tutorials that deal with this issue or any version 5 tutorials at all

I have been using DesignSpark since V3 and now on V5 like you.
If the ModelSource button disappears, then it's prrobably undocked or floating, but thats not a problem as you can open it with CTRL+M shortcut or from View on the Menubar where it is at the bottom of the list.
I'm sure you solved this and found the tutorials at **broken link removed** , but thought I would post as a fellow DSPCB user.
There are now over 20 tutorials with user knowledge items as well.

I have been sold on DesignSpark PCB since version 3 where it was the best free software I found for my board size requirements which forced be to abandon the free Eagle due to it's limitations.
I'm now starting a 4 layer board in DSPCB which is a new venture for me, but essential for my mixed signal requirements.

How are you doing with DSPCB? I'll have a look round for a group to join. I only started on this forum for 'electronics' help, but now excited at the expertise here.

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