I prefer the guru
Keith Billings who has 50 yrs SMPS design experience and many books.
The choke must not saturate during Ton and must have enough energy stored during Ton so the voltage does not sag during Toff. The ripple current should be not much more than 25% Idc.
Buck Choke Specification (inductor with DC current and AC ripple)
Output voltage Vo.max.
Input voltage Vi.max.
Output DC current Io.max.
Max. ripple current e.g. 20% of Io.max.
Max. temp. rise. 30deg C
During the “off” period, the current falls by 20% of Io.max. ,and for this example, and the inductance may be calculated.
During the “off” period, current loop B is established, and the magnitude of the voltage across the choke, |e|, is the output voltage plus the diode voltage drop (the diode, being forward biased) & the current is flowing in diode loop under the forcing action of choke L1. During this period the current will be decaying at a constant rate defined by Vout+Vdiode=e (across coil)
The ripple voltage depends when switch is on.
Duty ratio = t.on/T= Vout/Vin =325/380=85.5%.
t.on + t.off = T , the PWM on & off
e =L dI/dt where dI is ripple current and dt =t.off when switch is off
And e=Vout +Vf.diode ~Vout
book for more details. Starting page 477 of 849 ,