I'd like to learn how to layout high frequency boards (specifically high speed serial - low GHz range). I don't have a preferred capture/layout package, but want to do this at home so need a low cost one.
I have seen a number of packages, such as KiCAD, DesignSpark and soon CircuitMaker, but am not sure how easy they are to use for boards such as this. It doesn't help that I am not sure of exactly what features I need as I have not done such a board before. I know that technically I don't *need* things like impedance estimation, differential trace routing, length tuning or analog simulation, but I'd like to match the practice as if it were done professionally as well as possible (and also think this will be hard enough as it is!)
Does anyone here design high speed boards with such software? Can they tell me which one they use and how they find it?