design problem in an ethernet interface made by an ethernet transceiver

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Newbie level 3
Dec 5, 2010
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Hello, I am using an Ethernet transceiver to interface a Telit GE863-PRO communication chip, this is for a work related to remote measurement. I am designing the Ethernet interface based on the schematics from Telit GE863-PRO EVK development board. I made an Ethernet interface on a printed circuit board, with a Micrel KSZ8721BL transceiver. But the interface is not working, and I think the reason is pin 21 (COL/RMII) value, that isn’t at the correct value to implement the MII. In accordance with the transceiver datasheet pin 21 should be at LOW level at start-up/reset to configure the transceiver to MII, and that the default value is the LOW level. In accordance with the schematic I’m using from Telit the pin COL/RMII should be connected to VDD through a pull-up resistor. I have implemented a similar schematic in a printed circuit board, but the voltage measured on pin 21 was HIGH, I would expect it to be LOW (LOW is the pin’s default value as is explained in the datasheet). I would like to know how should I do the part of the circuit that connects to pin 21?, and would like to know how can I define pin 21 value to be LOW so that the transceiver is working with MII.
You can access the schematic I’m talking about at page 42 of the file Telit_EVK_GE863-PRO³_User_Guide_r4

Thanks very much for reading and for the support

Hello, I already solved the problem by myself, there was a missing connection to the Ground, on the Ethernet interface I'm designing. Good luck to everyone!!

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