PSPICE syntax is pretty classic, from what I see of vendor
device models; the command interface, I have not used.
But I import PSPICE models to Cadence often enough, with
no trouble (as long as I remember to add
simulator lang=spice
as a header line).
If you're already working in the Cadence environment I'd
forget about the PSPICE step, just put the SPICE model
verbatim into a .inc file with appropriate language header,
make a symbol and edit the CDF to get the right info (you
might prefer to rip off a sorta-close analogLib primitive,
Library Manager copy it (all views) to your working lib and
edit it to get desired terminals and model name and any
passed parameters (you may also want to propertize the
symbol to let you assert a control variable for state, per
instance, if you want to simulate the read without a write
cycle chewing time, etc.).