So now I vary Multipliers from 400-600 i.e. W=2000u-3000u .... This time the VG node is above zero .... Now I have two option .... If need a two stage amplifier then I have to worry about only one NMOS at the output arm ... But if I need a folded cascode then I have two NMOS in the output arm .... So in the previous case around 250mV of VG will give VDS of 250mV to the NMOS and it should be sufficient .... and for the later case 500mV of VG should be sufficient for two NMOS .... I have shown two sizings that I can select ....
So if I need a two stage amplifier then my W/L = 5u*425 / 0.25u = 2125u / 0.25u
and if I need a folded cascode stage the W/L = 5u * 550 / 0.25u = 2750u / 0.25u
After the sizes are fixed check the value of VG when load current is 0mA .....
Again I have used only 1000 gain .... and see the accuracy ... 1.5003 to 1.5007 not even 1% ....
Hope this will help ...