Dear all,
I've been working with Modelsim SE6.6 for years and all my simulation designs work fine. But today when I immigrate to Modelsim SE 10.1c, they don't.
For example, a process like this:
always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
message_type = 0;
if(cnt_reg == Packet_length)
message_type = `head;
else if((cnt_reg < Packet_length) && (cnt_reg > 1))
message_type = `body;
else if(cnt_reg == 1)
message_type = `tail;
Assume Packet_length is 4, the message type is supposed to be `head, `body, and `tail when cnt_reg is 4, 3 or 2, and 1, respectively. But in Modelsim 10.1c, it turns out to be `body, `body, `tail, 'tail, when cnt_reg is 4,3,2,1, respectively.
I assume this is related with some settings in the Modelsim.
Has anybody come accross the same problem? How you solved it?
Best Regards,
Changlin Chen