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Design a display unit for depth sounder!!!

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Feb 21, 2005
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I want to design my own depth sounder display unit by using Navman company depth transducer. Is it possible to do so?
So far i still try to find out the correct way to calculate the depth distance through this equation, Distance = Velocity x Time / 2.
Now, i am using Hi-Tech C to write the source code.
I want to figure out also how to measure the Time of the equation above.
If i can get the time value, then it should be no problem for me to find out the distance.
Thanks a lot!!!

This is what i think u mean :

- Bascily your MCU controls your sounder, so u know when u sent a "ping"
- Directly after you switched on your sounder you start a timer
- When u receive the ping back you read the timer value and calculate how long it was running (most timers count backwards).
- Then you do your little math and know the depth.

Thing u have to know is how fast your frequency travels through water. Even salt or sweet can make small diff. You have to know for what frequency your sounder was build and of it generates this signal by itself or you have to generate it.

If you want to "draw the depth" use a GFX display, if not stick with a digit based one because there allot easyer to control.

So far i know the transducer that i want to apply had 200kHz frequency.
Its depth range was 2.0 to 600 feet.

You still have to know if the transducer produces this 200Khz by itself or you have to generate it cos transducer only means high or low frequency speaker simply said.

If you google a bit on sound through water you will find some good sites.

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