Design a 9v Dc power supply for a radio

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Newbie level 3
Aug 25, 2006
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Hey people , Im in matric .and must DESIGN a DC POWER SUPPLY TO PROVIDE 9V TO a radio and determine by means of DATA Sheets the components required,,,,,,,,CAN U GUYS HELP ME PLEASE :?:

If you are going to use an AC power supply (Alternating Current ) which you get at your home, then You need just a rectifier circuit with a step down transformer.
But a bridge rectifier with a capacitor filter can give the precise voltage.

You can get a tarnsformer for stepping down the House hold power supply of
235 -250 V down to 9 V.

A Transformer (Not center tapped) shall be connected to the Bridge rectifier and the load taken across the capacitor.

The diodes used in rectifiers can be IN4007 (4 Nos. )
Capacitor - Use high value for avoiding ripples.
But 47uF to 220 uF can do (will clarify this in short)
Have a load register of 1Kohm connected across the Filter capacitor to avoid unnecessary damage to the circuit.

Added after 39 minutes:

HI checkout these links and if you still have any thing Post a Message.


If I get a ciruit I will send it to you soon.

THANKS GUYS FOR THE HELP ,,Harmasha i will appreciate it , if u sent the stuff

Hi Timmy,

Here is the circuit....
I couldn't find any, so I drew it in paint...

u can use asimple circuit to convert ac 12v to 9v dc

by using transformer 220v/12v
regulator 7809
capacitors 47 µf & 220 µf
and diode 1n5400
as in this page
**broken link removed**

hey guys ..,,Thanks for helping me so much ,,

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