Newbie level 3

Hi all
Everybody I'm a new comer in this group. And i'm doing a project on PIC16f877
to design a versatile robotic kit e.g. to avoid collisions, following a line, drawing lines etc etc. I'm new user of PIC microcontroller thus i'm facing conceptual problem in programming and algorithms to design the kit.so i'm having some algorithms in my mind but they are not feasible if anybody can suggest me some slgorithm then i will be able to see the proper direction to drive my in right way.
Everybody I'm a new comer in this group. And i'm doing a project on PIC16f877
to design a versatile robotic kit e.g. to avoid collisions, following a line, drawing lines etc etc. I'm new user of PIC microcontroller thus i'm facing conceptual problem in programming and algorithms to design the kit.so i'm having some algorithms in my mind but they are not feasible if anybody can suggest me some slgorithm then i will be able to see the proper direction to drive my in right way.