I am reading on the section on derivation of closed-loop transfer function of the type-II PLL
I found that expression (9.14) is not the differentiated version. It should have the apostrophe ( ' or ') character to imply that it is the result of differentiating Eq. (9.13) with respect to time
In this case, I really suspect if expression (9.15) is correct or not since H(S) = (9.14) * (Kvco / s) / (1 + (9.14) * (Kvco / s) )
Could anyone suggest if I overlook something ?
Note: The book screenshots below are from Razavi "RF microelectronics" 2nd edition
u(t) is a unit step function. tu(t) is a ramp function. The derivative of a ramp function is a unit step function. the laplace transform of a unit step function is 1/s.
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in your derivation, you can ignore the impulse function because it only exists at the origin an basically what's left is L{u(t)} -> 1/s
u(t) is a unit step function. tu(t) is a ramp function. The derivative of a ramp function is a unit step function. the laplace transform of a unit step function is 1/s.
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in your derivation, you can ignore the impulse function because it only exists at the origin an basically what's left is L{u(t)} -> 1/s
I have already derived all you have stated in your post.
Please check carefully my question.
I found that expression (9.14) is not the differentiated version. It should have the apostrophe ( ' or ') character to imply that it is the result of differentiating Eq. (9.13) with respect to time
In this case, I really suspect if expression (9.15) is correct or not since H(S) = (9.14) * (Kvco / s) / (1 + (9.14) * (Kvco / s) )
I agree with him. And in control engineering they view the system in blocks where each block contributes poles or zeroes depending on how they are modeled
e.g. X(S)->[block contributing pole or zero]->Y(S).
Here I assume the VCO block contributes a pole, i.e. KVCO/s.
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I took a quick scan on razavi's book. Try looking at Eq.(8.177) if this checks out.