The scenario lis like this.
There is a top_tb.sv which is instiantiating a SV program.
module te0630_top_tb
// Parameters, Wires and Regs declared
// Top-module instiantiated
te0630_top te0630_top_inst (....) ;
// SysWip AXI BFM connections in TB
// SysWip AXI master interface inst
axi4lite_m_if axi_m_if_0(clk);
// SysWip AXI slave interface inst
axi4lite_s_if axi_s_if_0(clk);
// Master and slave are connected to the AXI interconnect
assign .....
assign ....
// Call the BFM test program
axi_bfm_tb axi_bfm_tb_inst() ; <-- I NEED TO DELAY THE EXECUTON OF THIS INSTIANTIATION
// Test-bench processes
// clock generation
initial begin
// reset generation
initial begin
// Load a HEX memory
initial begin : nc_program_loader
// some $disply(); statements
Code for the AXI transaction generation between the Master & Slave.
import AXI4LITE_M::*;
import AXI4LITE_S::*;
import PACKET::*;
typedef bit [7:0] bit8;
program axi_bfm_tb ();
initial begin
// Declare variables
// Create class objects
// Start BFM environment
// Test-cases R-W/W-R, etc
I want to delay the execution of the axi_bfm_tb () in the main TB, how to do it?
Reason: In the top_tb.sv the "Load a HEX memory" section does something of its own. Only after this is finished which takes about 1ms, do I want to run the tests for the AXI master and slave.
I tried using #1000000 (1ms delay) inside the axi_bfm_tb (), but it is giving Syntax Errors during simu.
I also tried to SET a register in the top_tb after 1ms and then use that SET value to execute the axi_bfm_tb (), but the simulation dosen't run beyond 0ms!
This is thin top_tb.sv
initial begin
axi_bfm_tb_reg = 1'b0 ;
#1000000 axi_bfm_tb_reg = 1'b1 ; // Wait for *time* = 1ms
axi_bfm_tb axi_bfm_tb_inst() ;
Then correspondingly in the axi_bfm_tb.sv I was doing this:
program axi_bfm_tb ();
initial begin
if (te0630_top_tb.axi_bfm_tb_reg == 1'b1) begin
// Do the AXI tests
end // end if
end // end begin
One way could be to use the code whatever is inside axi_bfm_tb (), in the top_tb, and use the delay after its initial statement. It might be my last option.
But I would prefer to use to delay the initial block in the axi_bfm_tb.sv which is instiantiated in the top_tb.sv?