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vbe temperature coefficient
q1 many text book said bandgap design use Vbe + delta_VT
and get zero TC(temp coffefficient )
and said delta_Vbe/ temp = -2mv , delta_Vt/ temp = + 0.085mv
really ?? in CMOS 0.5um / 0.35um /0.25um /0.18um
have the same value or not ??
q2: we usually use " B S song CMOS bandgap " but we only use pnp is 1:N:1
not 1:N:N -> see PR gray analysis & design of analog IC
Fig 4.50
if we use Fig4.50 pnp => 1:N:N
Vbg = vbe + K * Vt *ln(N)
but if we use pnp = 1:N:1
Vbg = vbe + K * Vt *ln(N) or not ?
Q3. many designer use N=8 or 23 or 49 which is better for zero TC
q1 many text book said bandgap design use Vbe + delta_VT
and get zero TC(temp coffefficient )
and said delta_Vbe/ temp = -2mv , delta_Vt/ temp = + 0.085mv
really ?? in CMOS 0.5um / 0.35um /0.25um /0.18um
have the same value or not ??
q2: we usually use " B S song CMOS bandgap " but we only use pnp is 1:N:1
not 1:N:N -> see PR gray analysis & design of analog IC
Fig 4.50
if we use Fig4.50 pnp => 1:N:N
Vbg = vbe + K * Vt *ln(N)
but if we use pnp = 1:N:1
Vbg = vbe + K * Vt *ln(N) or not ?
Q3. many designer use N=8 or 23 or 49 which is better for zero TC