I have been asked to look into extracting the following info from a vehicle CANbus and convert to relay output.
Footbrake ON or OFF
Handbrake ON or OFF
Engine running (Rpm related >500 say?)
Now hardware is not a problem, just a pic with a bit of interfacing. Am thinking of using CCS for the built in CAN library.
Problem is how to get the appropriate messages. I understand that you have to request most messages rather than they are just sent periodically. Now I don't even know if they are on the high or low speed bus or even what commands to send. Cannot find any lists online and I am not even sure if they differ between vehicles, will be mostly VAG I think. Now I am sure I will be able to find all the info given time, but if anyone has done anything similar I would be most grateful for any advice. Seems to be a better option than re-inventing the wheel.