Think about your NOT gate: it has delay, like an RC network, due to input and output resistance and capacitance.
A possible solution: as equal delay is vital to you, read NOT datasheet for logic gate delay and pay attention to shift with temperature, e.g. CD4049 is 200ns to 400ns. Using R x C, select values that at NOT gate definitely ON (1 tau or 3 tau or 5 tau or whatever point in charging curve you need) and place RC network in signal path, i.e. one path = 2 NOTs, other path = RC + NOT . It will not cover full temperature range delay, it is a one-trick pony solution...
e.g. CD4049 = in-to out-delay is 205 to 410 ns
5100 Ohms x 10 pF = 51 ns
51 ns x 5 tau = 255 ns
Presumably a more sophisticated person would make R equivalent to NOT gate output resistance, not just select a random value as I did.