Hi, this is my first time using the LCD module on DE2. I need a clear to clear the display and also I need to display the character on the LCD after I input the input data, which means, when I get an input data from previous module, the one data will be displayed. The input data has been processed by previous module and the data input to this LCD modules will be the 9-bit data, including the RS data and LCD data. My concept is to set the position of data and send it to the LCD data and then send the input data to the LCD data again to display one character. I get the coding which is working to display out the whole 16x2 data and edit it to display character one by one. I am not sure why my coding is not working as I am only able to clear the display. I have tried it for few days but still unable to find out the causes. Can anyone please help to find out or correct the mistakes, please? Thanks a lot!!!