[SOLVED] DDC file Synopsys - what does it contain?

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Newbie level 4
Jul 1, 2008
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Hello All,

I have been trying to find what information does the DDC file contain.

Thank you.

In general it is binary file which contains both verilog gate level description and design constrains.

.ddc consists of the same information as a .db file. ddc is a synopsys encrypted form of your design which can be read by the tools such as Design compiler, IC compiler and prime time. It consists of the netlist(list of components and nets) information of your design along with the constraints which you have specified for implementing the design.

Hope the explanation is good enough..

---------- Post added at 14:28 ---------- Previous post was at 14:15 ----------

Here is some more info:

The .ddc format is backward compatible but not forward compatible.

This format contains back-annotated net delays and constraints. Subsequent topographical mode sessions restore virtual layout data. The .ddc format is
recommended for subsequent topographical mode optimizations and verification. Because when you read the RTL code the unmapped design can be stored in a .ddc format so that when you reread the design the tool can run faster when compared to a verilog or vhdl format.

You are mistaken....:shock::shock::shock:
.ddc is not .db .....ddc is a file format which can be read by routing tool(for synopsys IC compiler) also....but it is file format which contains your design + design constraints.
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"It consists of the netlist(list of components and nets) information of your design along with the constraints which you have specified for implementing the design."

This line is from my previous post. I have already stated what it contains...So .db is a binary format whereas a .ddc is an encrypted form which will be read or saved in the same .ddc format by the Galaxy Suite

If u r to differ can u specify what .db contains which is "present/not present" in .ddc ...8)
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.db is binary form of .lib - it is the timing library, and does not contain your design info or netlist. It is not the same as .ddc.

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