I'm using a Rigol PA1011 to drive a small voice coil with about 1W peak at 4Volts.
I switch labs from time to time and will see a DC offset appear on the amplifier output. The entirety of the setup is identical, just different rooms. It usually about 1V, but can be as high as 10V. In some rooms there is none at all.
I'm guessing the amplifier is being affected by the quality of the ground in the room? I've used other amplifiers as comparisons, namely a Krohn-Hite 7500 and an AE Techron 7224, and they show no DC offset.
So here are the questions.
1. What do you think is the cause of this?
2. If I'm shopping for a new amplifier, what spec should I look at to determine if the amplifier will be resistant to whatever is causing this?
Thanks a lot,