//Programmer: Syed Tahmid Mahbub
//Compiler: mikroC PRO for PIC v4.60
unsigned int ADR;
void main() {
PORTC = 0;
TRISC = 0; //all PORTC pins output
PORTA = 0;
TRISA = 0x01; //RA0 input for pot
CMCON = 7; //Disable analog comparators
T2CON = 0; //Prescaler 1:1, TMR2 off
ADCON1 = 14; //AN0 only analog
ADC_Init(); //mikroC initializes ADC
CCP1CON = 12; //PWM mode
PR2 = 249; //16kHz PWM frequency
while (1){
ADR = ADC_Get_Sample(0) >> 2; //Get ADC reading for channel 0
//and divide reading by 4
if (ADR < 10){ //Setting lower bound
TMR2ON_bit = 0; //Stop Timer and so stop PWM
TMR2 = 0; //Clear Timer
RC2_bit = 0; //Clear PWM output
if (ADR > 240){ //Setting upper bound
TMR2ON_bit = 0; //Stop Timer and so stop PWM
TMR2 = 0; //Clear Timer
RC2_bit = 1; //Keep PWM output high
else{ //Within upper and lower bounds
CCPR1L = ADR; //Set PWM duty cycle
TMR2ON_bit = 1; //If not on, turn on TMR2. If on, keep on