DC for NT install Problem :

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Advanced Member level 4
Jul 14, 2001
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When i install DC for NT 2000.5,a windon pop up:"Error with registry - can not continue", and then the install is corrupt. My operation system is win2000, Why????

Pls help me!!!!

Thank u very much!!!!


Make sure you are extract the .rar file not the .r00!!!
If there is still some install problem, try to move the extracted dir to the root dir,
and then re-install.

zcq said:
When i install DC for NT 2000.5,a windon pop up:"Error with registry - can not continue", and then the install is corrupt. My operation system is win2000, Why????

Pls help me!!!!

Thank u very much!!!!


Whether your file system is NTFS?

cnz said:
Whether your file system is NTFS?

My file system is FAT32,can dc for nt be installed on it??

The synopsys only support NTFS on WinNT. You have move to NTFS before installation.

kwkam said:
The synopsys only support NTFS on WinNT. You have move to NTFS before installation.

Thx! But how can i convert my file system to winnt without lost my files on the disk???

You can use P@rtition M@gic.
try at this address: h**p://www.wtapz.com/

You can use "convert" in the command prompt. Or disk manager in inside the WinNT.

My DC4NT is installed on winxp,with fat32

I am confused now.Whether should i convert my disk to NTFS???
and i do not know whether my dc for nt extracted from .rar or .r00( as marsgod said),what should i do now????

first, in your file explore, in the tool menu , select view file ext name.
that will show you the file ext name as .r00 or .rar.
Try first.
and again, I suggest move your install dir to the root and try.

zcq said:
I am confused now.Whether should i convert my disk to NTFS???
and i do not know whether my dc for nt extracted from .rar or .r00( as marsgod said),what should i do now????

But i downloaded it for a long time,i have deleted the old .rar r00....files.
And i have tried to install it in root directory,the same problem occured.

thx marsgod and kwkam very much!!!!

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