DC/DC converter Wide input voltage range

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Junior Member level 2
Feb 18, 2015
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Hi all!

I have seen that there are a few posts with a similar question, but in that case the input range is quite wider than the others as well as the power load of the converter. This are the top level specs for the converter:

Input range: 20V - 180V
Max power rating: 3 kW
Required efficiency: >98%
Output voltage: not specified yet, but boost or buck-boost topology will be required.

I am conscious that to reach this efficiency for the whole input range can be extremely challenging, but still it will be a goal for the project.

My question is, which converter topology or topologies would be the more proper to study to meet this requirements. I have thinking in push-pull and H-bridge topologies.

Any hint/recommendation? Thanks!

See this Wikipedia article for more information that might help you decide. It has helpful charts listing various types of converters, recommended power ranges, etc. The full-bridge is named as making most efficient use of transformer.


Since you'll have a lot of Amperes going through your converter, you might consider the idea of interleaving multiple converters.

As you said it is surely extreme challenging job to attain efficiency of 98% in Boost topology I guess. But still you didn't mention what is your output voltage. May by using that we can get some fair idea to get it solved.
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