Well, let's forget the isolation, as it makes things always more complicated. Also, using P-FET is OK, and actually a bit easier to control when you want a micro-controller to do the job.
I assume you know the calculations for a buck regulator: Finding inductance and calculating currents etc. If not, you better to learn - maybe first looking at articles you can locate by Google. (One pretty good document from Texas Instruments:
I sketched a circuit for switch based on P-MOS and need for micro-controller compatible driving. It is just a principle draft, and component values are only indications of magnitude.You should check them yourself. Some hints: M1 should be your choice, such as IRF9540N. M2is a small-signal FET, whose gate drive is compatible with your processor, and which can handle the input voltage (>50V). Zener D1 protects the gate for overvoltage, Q1 helps discharging the gate to speed up the circuitry. C1, C2, L1 and D2 you select according to your calculations for a buck converter.
Again, this sketch is totally untested, scribbled in 5 minutes, and is not even simulated. The values presented are "first guess" values, and need to be properly calculated. So the warranty time is <1 us :razz:
View attachment 86506
Good luck!