DC-DC Converter Control Loop design


Newbie level 4
Apr 10, 2022
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I am new at designing power converters control loop and implementing the control methods at c2000 platform using simulink. There are examples on IEEE papers, but in general they are advanced for me. Is there any simple book or application note etc explaining the control loop, pwm generation and implementation of DC-DC converter topologies like LLC resonant converter, Dual active bridge converter vb.

Thank you

Do you first understand the concept of "open loop Bode Plot"?...and how its gain and phase margin can tell you about stability?
Do you understand what is an "opamp integrator"?
Do you understand what is an error amplifier?

Do you understand that in a SMPS feedback loop you have three things...?...
1...Power stage
3...Error amplifier.

Do you know what to do with these in order to derive the open loop feedback response?
Do you understand the difference between current mode control and voltage mode control?
Do you know what is the crossover frequency of an SMPS bode plot?

Your in current mode, and you have an RHPZ at 5kHz...what does that tell you about your possibilities for crossover frequency?

If not, then i will send you stuff to read on these.

Also Dr Ray Ridley has a good introductory book on feedback loops of SMPS. (+ other books)

TN-203 by microsemi is worth a look too.

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