At the header of the datasheet(you can google it, I wasn't sure if a datasheet counts as an ebook), it says 600DPI sensor.
However, it has 7500 pixels per line(7500*3 for RGB technically), and sensors are almost 70mm long. How does this translates to 600DPI?
By my calculation, 7500pix/70mm = 107DPmm = 2721.4 DPI.
I've never worked with linear sensors-although one of the uni assignment involved a ccd area sensor-.
Looking at the timing scheme, everything looks in order with 2 shift registers per color and really nothing that indicates certain pixels are left out.
Far as I can see from photos in the web, the glass element doesn't seem to do much other than keeping the dust out.
So, what's going on?
Thank you for your time.