data logger to measure temperature using sensor LM35

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Newbie level 3
Jun 16, 2013
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Please I wish to design using RTOS a data logger to measure temperature using sensor LM35 connected to a pin on PIC18F45K22 micro-controller.The temperature is to be sent immediately to a PC using RS232 port.Also i wish to use a LED to indicate to a user when the data logger is on. I am using CCS C compiler to write the code and proteus to design the circuit.I am new to all these,so i really need help, circuit diagram will be very much appreciated.Thanks,is an urgent project hat i have to do.PLEASE HELP!

this seems like a fairly simple system and I don't see any reason to use RTOS for this application. Plus, if you are new to microcontrollers, you should probably go for the simplest approach.
here is one
1. LM35 is an analog sensor (if i remember correctly). just connect it's output pin to PIC's analog pin. (consult datasheet to know if it requires any additional circuit .. pull up resistor etc). you should easily be able to find some ADC interfacing examples for your compiler. Just use that example and now you should have the temperature in digital format (after some maths )
2. Now connect some TTL to RS232 IC (e.g. MAX232) to PIC's UART and connect RS232 side to PC. Find some UART interfacing example and send the temperature data from step 1 to PC
3. A simple application on the PC side (in your preferred language) can receive this data and log it somewhere (database, excel file, csv file or simple txt file)

if you do need to use RTOS for some strange reason, i hope someone will guide you in the right direction soon. sorry I don't have any experience with RTOS's myself
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