DATA acquisition from unknown port of ASIC board

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Pratik Prajapati

Newbie level 1
Sep 26, 2014
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Hello everyone,

I have trouble with getting data from unknown ports. I am working on a reverse engineering project, in this project I don't know anything inside the circuit. This is kind of black box model. The whole system is ASIC design.
In this case, I want to derive the transfer function of the system by applying certain input and get record outputs.

On system, there are four ports. One port is DB9 connector, so I can directly get data with serial to USB convertor. But reaming ports are unknown. I just know the number of pins, operating frequency and voltage levels. These ports are having 10,26 and 60 pins and all port are working at 40 MHz and voltage level is 3.3 volts.

I need to find some hardware which can somehow give me the ability to read and acquire data. My idea is to use the time multiplexing to reduce the number of required pins for recording devices.

Please, give me some suggestion about the selecting proper device to record data or give me idea about any device available in the market for this kind of job.

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